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Video Downloader Programs


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Ultimate Donator
Nov 5, 2018
Holy cow has this turned into a cat and mouse game! My main downloading is mainly a game show my GF likes and possibly an instruction video. The majority is YouTube. downloads. I was using iGo but that totally crapped out. I settled for YouTube. I changed to YouTube Video download. Updates are every other day which keeps it functional. The program works great as a result.
Holy cow has this turned into a cat and mouse game! My main downloading is mainly a game show my GF likes and possibly an instruction video. The majority is YouTube. downloads. I was using iGo but that totally crapped out. I settled for YouTube. I changed to YouTube Video download. Updates are every other day which keeps it functional. The program works great as a result.
I use Internet Download Manager
Holy cow has this turned into a cat and mouse game! My main downloading is mainly a game show my GF likes and possibly an instruction video. The majority is YouTube. downloads. I was using iGo but that totally crapped out. I settled for YouTube. I changed to YouTube Video download. Updates are every other day which keeps it functional. The program works great as a result.
For YT and many other sites, I use yt-dlp which is a cli app. For X I use a browser script that gives me a download button. For those tough to download from sites even when digging the videos src URL from the site's HTML doesn't work I use a browser script called M3U8 Video Detector and Downloader. It downloads either the file in mp4 or ts format but the ts format almost always will not have the audio.