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How to use Pendrive(USB) as RAM


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La Patróna
Aug 18, 2010

Simply follow these instructions:
  • *Connect your pen drive to your PC [pen drive should be at least 1 GB or if you having 4 GB or then its better]
    *Allow PC what he is supposed to do,let system to detect pen drive.
    *After your PC finished with its detection work, you have to do some little
    *Right click on the My Computer and select the properties
    *Goto advanced and then performance setting then advanced then
    *Select pen drive and click on custom size " Check the value of space available "
    *Enter the same in the Initial and the Max columns
    " You just used the memory of the PenDrive as a Virtual Memory "
    *Now restart your pc and enjoy your fast and super system

Done ;)
Another useful tutorial. Thanks again.