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Not an Insider? Here's how you can get the new Start Menu on Windows 10 version 2004


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La Patróna
Aug 18, 2010
Back in March, Microsoft teased some Start Menu design tweaks, and as it turns out, the new look is set to roll out this fall with the Windows 10 20H2 update. It's in testing right now in the Beta channel.

If you're not an Insider and you don't want to be though, you can still get the new look, because the bits are actually in Windows 10 version 2004. Here's what you need to do (as noted by Deskmodder.de):

  1. Install KB4568831 (you can opt into it via Windows Update).
  2. Open up Notepad.
  3. Paste the following text:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
  4. Save the file as 'Start Menu.reg'.
  5. Run the file.
  6. Reboot

After that, you should have the new theme-aware Start Menu. You can play around by switching between light and dark themes, and applying your accent color to the Start Menu.

We tried this and didn't notice any issues, but it's worth remembering that if you modify the Registry, you're doing so at your own risk. It's always possible to end up with unintended consequences.

The reason that this works is because 20H2, like 19H2, is delivered in the form of a cumulative update. And like 19H2, 20H2 will get the exact same cumulative updates as its predecessor. The only difference is that at some point, an enablement package will be delivered that bumps up the build number by one and activates the already-existing new features.

Source: Neowin
View attachment 5328
Back in March, Microsoft teased some Start Menu design tweaks, and as it turns out, the new look is set to roll out this fall with the Windows 10 20H2 update. It's in testing right now in the Beta channel.

If you're not an Insider and you don't want to be though, you can still get the new look, because the bits are actually in Windows 10 version 2004. Here's what you need to do (as noted by Deskmodder.de):

  1. Install KB4568831 (you can opt into it via Windows Update).
  2. Open up Notepad.
  3. Paste the following text:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
  4. Save the file as 'Start Menu.reg'.
  5. Run the file.
  6. Reboot

After that, you should have the new theme-aware Start Menu. You can play around by switching between light and dark themes, and applying your accent color to the Start Menu.

We tried this and didn't notice any issues, but it's worth remembering that if you modify the Registry, you're doing so at your own risk. It's always possible to end up with unintended consequences.

The reason that this works is because 20H2, like 19H2, is delivered in the form of a cumulative update. And like 19H2, 20H2 will get the exact same cumulative updates as its predecessor. The only difference is that at some point, an enablement package will be delivered that bumps up the build number by one and activates the already-existing new features.

Source: Neowin
Nice piece of information. Many folks don't want to make the transition from Win 7 to Win 10 for just this reason, go figure. This may give then one less argument for moving on.
Just to add one thing:
Since you are messing with the registry and god forbid you screw up the entries, be sure you back the registry up BEFORE applying this mod.
If backing up the registry is something you are unfamiliar with either go to portableapps.com and build an USB stick with one of the registry tools, they all have a back-up feature.
Alternatively you can install the free version of CCleaner. Run the Registry tool om the left side of the opening menu, select Scan for Issues tab on the bottom. When it's done select the "Fix Selected Issues" tab on the bottom. You will be presented with a pop up box asking you if you would like to back up the registry. Select "Yes". By default a copy of your registry will be saved to my documents titled today's date. Go ahead and run Thumper's instructions. If you no likey double click on the registry back-up you saved in My Documents and all will be as you left it. -Woof.