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Microsoft confirms installation issues in Windows 10 updates 8/19/2019


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Ultimate Donator
Nov 5, 2018
Anyone else think these issues are getting old? Maybe it's time to clean house at Microsoft, the current crew of coders don't seem to be able to do their job very well.
Anyone else think these issues are getting old? Maybe it's time to clean house at Microsoft, the current crew of coders don't seem to be able to do their job very well.

Thanks for share :)
Several years ago. Microsoft pushed out "A Memo" if you are dumb enough to continue to click and ask for a update, then you deserve what you get. It is Recommended YOU do NOT ASK you simply wait until MS PUSHES the update to you and pops the little red Circle to your taskbar. Beta Tester for MS since 1985.
The old saying "Be careful what you ask for!"
Thanks for share :)
Would totally agree with you there, we have been putting up with these errors that strangely enough don't seem to occur so often on other OS and whatever fixes they put out tend to be 100% correct (apart from apple occasionally) but that's another story.